26th Prague-Lublin Symposium

21. Symposia Praha-Lublin-Sydney-St. Petersburg

International Organizers of the Symposium invite you for
The 26th Prague-Lublin Symposium

Main topic:


The Symposium was held at the
Medical House, Sokolská 31, 120 26 Prague 2, Czech Republic,
on Friday and Saturday in November 15 – 16, 2024.

The organizers are preparing a symposium in both in-person and online formats.



This event belongs to education actions integrated into the life training system of physicians according to professional statute No. 16 of the General Medical Council.

The Symposium will be held under the auspices of the president of the Czech medical Association (CMA) of J. E. Purkynje Professor Štěpán Svačina, MD, DSc. and the honorary president of the Society for Connective Tissues CMA J.E. Purkynje Professor Josef Hyánek, MD, DSc.

Participants will receive the Programme and Certificate of Attendance.
Abstracts of lectures will be published in Supplement 2 of the Journal “Locomotor System”, vol. 31, 2024 (electronic version, ISSN 2336-4777, http://www.pojivo.cz/cz/pohybove-ustroji/).

Organizers of the Symposium:

  • Professor Ivo Marik, MD, PhD
    Faculty of Health Care Studies, West Bohemia University, Pilsen & Ambulant Centre for Defects of Locomotor Apparatus l.l.c., Prague, Czech Republic
  • Petr Krawczyk, MD, PhD
    PROTEOR CZ l.l.c., Ostrava, Czech Repubic
  • Professor Václav Smrčka, MD, PhD
    Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Martin Braun, RNDr., PhD
    Department of Composites and Carbon Materials, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Tomasz Karski, MD, PhD & Jacek Karski, MD, PhD
    tmkarski@gmail.com & jkarski@vp.pl
    University of Vincent Pol & Medical University in Lublin, Lublin, Poland